Syngonium plant is also known as arrowhead plant or Goosefoot plant. It is one of the most known and popular plants in the world. It is also very easy to care for the Syngonium plant.

Syngonium plant care includes the light requirement, watering techniques, the best temperature for the plant, humidity, soil mix, fertilizer, and pruning or trimming techniques specific to this plant which helps the plant grow stronger and better. In the last FAQ, I also included, why your plant will change color if didn’t follow these steps.
I have followed the exact procedure to care for my Syngonium, arrowhead vine plant for good strong bushier growth.
These are the things you need to take care of for the Syngonium plant.
1. Indirect-Light Requirements
Syngonium plant grows well in medium to bright indirect light depends on the variety of the plant.
House plants can survive well in extremely low light.
Goosefoot plants with leafy dark colors can thrive in rooms with little light. Light pink, yellow, white leaves do good in bright indirect sunlight.
we can easily spot the Syngonium plant that gets low light, vines start to struggle with scarce foliage and dark color foliage will start to disappear.
That’s not all we can figure out by seeing the slow growth of the plant.
You can keep this plant outside for sunlight now and then to make it grow better (Not direct sunlight put it in a semi-shade).
Place the plant away from the window. Try placing them in north-facing or easing window sills.
Pink Syngonium plant can be grown in hanging baskets inside the house where it has low indirect light.
You can also Syngonium plant in the bathroom, Kitchen as it can handle high humidity conditions. This plant also helps in air purifying.
This plant is also known as hard to kill the plant.
2. Watering Syngonium plant
The frequency and quantity of watering depending on the plant’s size and the atmosphere where the plant is located.
Young plants need less watering than mature plants because matured plants will be in small spaces of the pot and more roots in smaller spaces are required to thrive more.
The right amount of watering to the Syngonium plant is the crucial thing to do. Many planters tell that watering throughout the season is recommended.
The frequency of watering should be reduced in the winter season.
This plant is drought resistant and can survive without water for few days.
when they are unable to survive they will dry up and the lower leaves of the plant will turn brown.
Water the plant at room temperature to hydrate the plant better.
Try to water drinking or rainwater to prevent chemicals from tap water.
Always check the soil dryness by touching the soil before watering.
Make sure topsoil at least 1 inch is dried before rewatering the plant.
3. Best Temperature for Syngonium plant
The best Temperature for the Syngonium plant is between 60F to 85F (15 to 26C). These temperatures are very wide.
Normally room temperature will be around 16 to 25C. At this temperature, growth will be good.
If the temperature drops below 18C it affects the plant growth (stunted).
If you are keeping at more temperature more water is required by the plant to survive.
So keep your plant away from window sill or coolers or Air conditioners.
Don’t even try to keep plants in the heater during winter assuming you are giving a good temperature to plant.
You can even grow this plant outside the house with a warmer temperature. Plants will get vibrant colors.
Keep the plant in indirect medium-light to get pink color leaves, Direct Sunlight will ruin the colors of leaves.
Keep the plant away from pets, it is toxic to them.
4. Increase in level of Humidity, when moved inside
Growing Syngonium plant is dependent on the level of humidity. This type of plant loves humidity, usually about 40-60%.
Getting those humidity numbers outside the house in the garden is difficult. Because we cannot predict the outside climate. it is highly unpredictable.
Growing Syngonium plants is simple inside the house. We can use a humidifier to maintain the humidity in the room or place it in a saucer tray.
This trick helps the plant to grow better in-house.
Here are the tips to help to boost humidity for the Syngonium plant.
- Wiping of leaves : – usually should be done twice a week with a dano cloth helps to remove humidity and to clean the dust on leaves.
- Using Room Humidifier :- Using Room humidifier helps in maintaining humidity in case if any variation in room.”
- Saucer Tray :- Put some stones inside the dish and fill it with water untill half, place pot in pebble. Make sure pebble doesn’t come in contact with water.
5. Soil mix for pink Syngonium plant
Pink Syngonium plant does well in acidic soil, This plant likes the PH of soil between 5.5 to 6.5. Make sure you use the well-drained soil to prepare the soil mix for plants that also have good nutrients.
Using the wrong soil mix to pot the pink Syngonium plant will reduce the growth of the plant. make sure the plant has a blend of soil, peat moss, and perlite.
This mix helps the plant to grow better because this will create a natural habitat for the plant, peat moss also provides good moisture reliability and enough nutrients to grow well.
Change the potting mix when your feel the plant is not growing bigger, slow growth, water is taking a long time to get drained.
6. Slow Fertilizer for Syngonium plant for more leaves
Syngonium plants are not heavy feeders so they need nutrients, minerals to increase the growth of the plant.
Dilute the fertilizer before applying to the Syngonium plant, apply it monthly.
It is advised not to apply fertilizer in winter or fall in a dormant period, at this period plant doesn’t even need to feed.
Slow-releasing fertilizer is the best option for this plant. It is easier when it is given through the liquid type of fertilizer.
7. Pruning/ Trimming to look better
Pruning/Trimming is crucial and very much required for Syngonium plants. It helps in keeping plants smaller and looking good by removing overgrown leaves.
Pruning usually makes house plant appear beautiful, and also make them stronger, bushy and looks very good.
It is advised that pruning/trimming should be done during springtime. It should be done when you feel the plant is mature, grown very well.
Take good time and check, when you trimmed/removed leaves and try to remove nodes frequently for good growth.
Why do pink Syngonium leaves turn brown?
The Pink Syngonium plant leaves turn brown, dry due to sunburn or intensive direct light is the main reason, other reasons are low humidity, heavy fertilizer, dry soil causes leaves to droop and brown. Later it is followed by yellowing, browning, and shriveling.
why are my syngonium leaves turning yellow?
The Syngonium plant leaves turn Yellow, dry main reason is due to its not getting enough water other cases are too much water, soggy soil. If soil is dry below 1 inch from the top of the soil then we can it’s dry otherwise it’s moist. Water the plant regularly and maintain a schedule to overcome this.
why are my syngonium leaves turning brown?
The Syngonium plant leaves turn brown, dry due to sunburn or intensive direct light is the main reason, other reasons are low humidity, heavy fertilizer, dry soil causes leaves to droop and brown. Later it is followed by yellowing, browning, and shriveling.
syngonium leaves drooping?
The Syngonium plant leaves drooping, dry main reason is due to its not getting enough water or too much water, soggy soil. If soil is dry below 1 inch from the top of the soil then we can it’s dry otherwise it’s moist. Water the plant regularly and maintain a schedule to overcome this.
syngonium leaves turning white?
The Syngonium plant leaves turn White, the dry main reason is due to its not getting enough water dry soil. If soil is dry below 1 inch from the top of the soil then we can it’s dry otherwise it’s moist. Water the plant regularly and maintain a schedule to overcome this.
Final Thoughts:
Let me know in the comments how is your Syngonium plant doing? Happy Reading!
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