How Much Water Does A Tomato Plant Need Per Day?

Growing tomatoes is one of the best things I did, which goes as a salad to my lunch or an add-on to a sandwich or burger. When we check how much water we need to give tomatoes, there is no specific answer for that because it depends on many things, please read the post completely to understand better.

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least a gallon of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered twice daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

Watering plays an important role in yielding tomatoes from tomato plants. I always check the moisture content in the soil by keeping my finger in the soil before watering.

Sometimes when we look at soil, it looks as moist but when you check with your hand you will feel and confirm whether the moisture is present or not.

I always water twice daily with a gallon of water each time in summer, I also tried watering once daily which caused the plant to go into stress and yielded less comparatively watering twice daily.

To get a good yield we also need full sun, good soil, and good drainage for a matured tomato plant.

How much water to tomato plant totally depends on

  • Where the tomato is planted?
    Tomato is planted in the garden (on the floor) or in containers, If you planted in the garden then it may take less water compared to the one in the container. Where ever you plant the tomato it requires water and it also needs to be dry so that it will take air from the roots.
  • In what kind of soil you planted?
    Did you plant the tomato in the sand, loamy, or clay soil, It depends on the ground too, how much watering is needed.
    Sand absorbs less water and water will be drained quickly. In loamy or clay soil water will be absorbed slowly and drained slowly. Here clay soil moisture content will be held for more time.
  • The location or the area (Climate) where the plants are planted?
    Location or area also matters because the sun or temperature is so high in some sites that more water will evaporate through the atmosphere’s heat when you water the plant.
    In these cases, you can add mulching paper or organic mulching to retain the moisture content.
    For this case also try to water more quantity and more frequently.

If you water too much then it leads to overwatering the tomato plant and the root may rot. If you underwater the plant then it won’t give you a good yield.

Factors Affect How Much Water A Tomato Plant Need:

1. Plant Location

Here plant location refers to where the plant is actually located. it’s in the garden on the ground or it’s in a container with other plants?

Tomato is planted in the garden (on the floor) or in containers, If you planted in the garden then it may take less water compared to the one in the container. Where ever you plant the tomato it requires water and it also needs to be dry so that it will take air from the roots.

Garden tomato plants drink less water compared to containerized plants. Containerized plants dry out faster than garden plants. Here the thing is we need to maintain the moisture of the soil or medium irrespective of the location of the plant whether is a garden or container or greenhouse.

2. Soil

we need to consider what kind of soil is in the garden or container to water the plant appropriately, The type of soil is sand, loamy, clay, and black soil.

Sand absorbs less water and water will be drained quickly. In loamy or clay soil water will be absorbed slowly and drained slowly. Here clay soil moisture content will be held for more time.

whatever the soil may be consider watering an important role in yielding tomatoes from tomato plants. I always check the moisture content in the soil by keeping my finger in the soil before watering.

Sometimes when we look at soil, it looks as moist but when you check with your hand you will feel and confirm whether the moisture is present or not.

Always check the moisture of the soil before re-watering the plant.

Here also depends on how you water. do you use drip watering, hand watering, sprinklers, or flood watering?

Considering all these factors with soil, we can say how much water is required for your tomato plant.

3. Weather

Tomato plants grow well in the summer season with a lot of sun, In the rainy season you don’t need to water if it is raining well, Otherwise, we need to give water to plants.

Tomato plants don’t like too much cold to produce yield.

Signs Of Tomato plant about watering:

Under Watered Tomato Plants

Here are some signs for Underwatered tomato plants.

  • Wilted Leaves
  • Leaves Curling
  • Dry soil
  • Reduced Growth of the plant

Over Watered Tomato Plants

Here are some signs for Overwatered Tomato plant

  • Yellow Leaves
  • Dark mushy roots
  • soggy soil
  • cracked or rotting fruit
  • signs of disease


How often do you water tomato plants in pots?

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least a gallon of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

how often to water cherry tomatoes in pots?

Cherry Tomatoes needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least a gallon of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

how much water does a potted tomato plant need per day?

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least a gallon of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

how much water does a tomato plant need in ml?

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least 3785 ml of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

how much water does a tomato plant need per day in liters?

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least 3.75 liters of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

how often do you water tomato plants in pots?

Tomato needs a good amount of water, Normally matured tomato plant needs at least a gallon of water daily to survive and to yield normally, but it loves or recommended to be watered once daily in summer or when the sun is at its peak with the same quantity so that plant will not go into stress and to give a better yield.

Final Thoughts:

With all the tips and tricks I always water the plant twice daily in the morning and evening. Let me know in the comments when you will water the tomato plant.


I love and passionate about gardening. All these started a few years back, planting, watering plants, and helping the plants grow without any diseases. I enjoy spending time with plants, greenery which gives me peace of mind.

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