Take Care Of Tulsi Plant In Winter
The Tulsi plant (Holy Basil) is one of the common plants also known as the holy basil plant. People worship this plant. This plant has known as one of the most medicinal plants known for health benefits.

Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity, air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
I have grown the tulsi plant which has more branches, and leaves, and propagated through its seeds for the next year. Made green tea with tulsi plant leaves, it was amazing, Maybe this could be one of the reasons for you to grow tulsi plant.
If you are like me and like to harvest your own seeds, at the end of the season, plant flowers and seeds later you will be having more seeds to grow for the next season, you no need to buy tulsi seeds every growing season.
Once it starts flowering, normally tulsi plant leaves stop producing leaves and it will concentrate on seeds.
Here are the tips that you can follow for caring for tulsi plants in winter.
1. Temperature / Climate
If it is freezing outside keep your plant inside. Don’t keep it near AC vents out or just below the fan. This will make your plant struggle to live and eventually die.
I have various tulsi plant that is on window sills throughout the winter, but warmth is the important thing to take care of the temperature is lower this will affect the plant badly.
Sometimes plant leaves also turn black because of the low temperature.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum led light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link on amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
In India people make glow dia lamp under the tulsi plant, this is one of the traditions but it helps the plant to keep warm and to get saved from winter low temperatures.
To increase the temperature of the plant you can cover the cloth on the basil/tulsi plant.
2. Enough exposure to Sunlight / Bright light
Long days and high temperatures are favorable to grow the tulsi plant. It is wide adaptability to grow in subtropical and tropical climates.
Tulsi plant requires at least six to eight hours of sunlight during the day and the temperature should be around 21-degree centigrade.
The place should be chosen wisely where we get most of the sunlight, for better growth.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum led light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link on amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
Place it outside during the winter when the sun is available to make it warm. The plant will be happy if you do it so. Try not to give more wind when you keep it outside.
If the sun is not available give artificial light for the plant to survive.
3. Soil
This plant doesn’t have any requirement for the type of soil it can be grown in any soil, except one in highly saline, alkaline, or waterlogged conditions.
I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my curry leaves plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
It likes to grow in sandy loam soil with good organic matter is considered ideal. It can be grown in tropical and subtropical climates. Long days and more high temperatures are ideal conditions that grow well for the Tulsi plant.
Soil also plays an important role, try to keep good well drainable soil so that it won’t be moist for a longer time, if it is moist for a longer time, it will encourage mold, and root rot.
4. Reduce Watering
You can also consider adding lukewarm water instead of cold water to plants.
In the Winter season reduce the number of times you water, because if you water frequently or normally watering i.e twice a week if there is standing water on the soil, moister than required, the plant may rot and may die.
It will attract more insects if it has standing water. (this is a big problem for tulsi it is prone to disease caused by insects)
You can also consider adding milk to lukewarm water as it holds the moisture for a longer time. This helps the plant to be green always.
5. Humidity
To control the humidity you can moisten the tulsi plant by spraying the water.
This will surely help in dry cold winter for the Tulsi plant.
6. Pruning
Light pruning or slight cutting of the leaves helps to survive the plant before we move it inside from outdoors.
If you don’t have a pruner consider buying one, because this helps to prune all kinds of plants. Here is the link to buy one from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest tool but we suggest the good one].
Do hoeing to roots with a sharp knife once a week this helps the plant to transfer nutrition from the roots to the upper part of the plant.
Remove dried leaves that come in the winter season.
Tips for growing in a normal climate:
- To grow tulsi plants faster, place them in a warm environment, and grow them in direct sunlight.
- Soil-rich nutrients help the plant to grow faster and stronger.
- Cowdung manure and Epsom salt are the best fertilizer for the Tulsi plant.
- Don’t water daily, water two times a week a starting month, later reduced to once a week with checking the moisture level of the soil.
- For better germination soak the seeds, and maintain a good moisture level in soil for faster germination of the tulsi plant.
- It takes around 7-15 days to germinate seeds of the tulsi plant.
- You can use a spray bottle to mist the soil while germination.
- You can also freeze the seeds to store them for a longer time.
Q. How To Take Care Of Tulsi Plant In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Keep Tulsi Plant Healthy In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Maintain Tulsi Plant In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Protect Tulsi Plant In Winter?
Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Save Tulsi Plant From Dying In Winter?
Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well-drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, and reduce watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Save Tulsi Plant In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, reduce on watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Survive Tulsi Plant In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, reduce on watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Q. How To Care Tulsi Plant In Winter?
A. Tulsi plant or basil plant likes warmth, enough exposure to sunlight, well drainable soil, bright light, some humidity air circulation, reduce on watering (takes more time dry in winter) for the plant which is kept indoors during winter to take care of it.
Final Thoughts:
With all the above tips I am able to care for my tulsi plant in winter and it survived. Did you make use of these steps, let me know in the comments.
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