Tulsi plant is known for its medicinal properties in the plant as it is rich in vitamin C, zinc. It is a natural immunity booster and keeps infections away. It is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties help us to defend from other variety of infections.
Due to huge medicianl properties many people likes to grow this in their home. To grow tulsi plant big, bushy, stronger you can apply these fertilizers.

The best inorganic fertilizer for the Tulsi plant is 10-10-10 (NPK) liquid fertilizer that can be applied every few months once. The Best organic homemade fertilizer for the tulsi plants is Epsom salt, cow dung manure, Give them enough quantity to grow and survive tulsi plant well, For better results prefer organic to inorganic fertilizer.
Here are the fertilizers I tried to increase the growth of my tulsi plant. Very first I tried chemical 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer then found it was good, later I didn’t use chemical fertilizer, used only cow dung manure, Epsom salt for better results (even I suggest you do the same). Here are the fertilizers I tried on my tulsi plant.
Best In-organic Ferilizer (Chemical) for Tulsi plant
Tulsi plant needs fertilizer if you are harvesting regularly many times may be for green tea or seasoning. Dont forget to give enough compost to ensure adequate fertility to the soil.
Atleast inch of rich of rich compost to plant every 6 months. Best fertilizer i found for tulsi plant is balanced 10-10-10 (NPK) liquid fertilizer, which can even applied for indoor plants every 6 months.
Best Home made Oragnic (Natural) Fertilizer for Tulsi Plant
Natural fertilizers are just your kitchen waste that supplies nitrogen to plant and make plant to grow stronger, bushier, healthier.
Organic fertilizer keep the soil porus, and its harmless to plant, It also helps in retention of water. These are the fertilizers available easily in home.
Used Tea Leaves waste
we usually drink Tea at least once a day, so this kitchen waste is so common in all the houses. First run it through the flowing water to remove the sugar content from tea leaves, later apply a small part of the tea leaves to know how your plant reacts to this tea leaves fertilizer.
Tea fertilizer is acidic in nature so don’t apply in large quantity it will make reduce PH content in the soil. Better use small quantities for better results.
Vegetable Waste or fruit waste
This is also one of the common thing vegetable waste or fruit waste which is very rich in micro and macro nutrients, that helps to grow fast for the tulsi plant.
You dont even need to compost them, just chop them to small pieces and burry them in the soil near plant. They will release nutrients as they broken over time.
you can even use the pulp of those waster and give them to plants to increase the rate of growth. This is usually called liquid fertilizer.
There is also another way to use this if you have good sun shine. you can dry them, powder them , and can give it to plants.
For any fertilizer give it in small quantity, observe the plant is it ok for few days, later you can give more. Dont apply it in large quantity at one go.
Banana peel fertilizer for tulsi plant
This most common asked question can we use bannana peel fertilizer for tulsi plant. We can use this as same as vegetable waste, fruits waste , flower waste.
Banana fertilizer can be used as liquid fertilizer by keeping banana fertilizer in a jar for weeks and pouring them into the tulsi plant.
we can chop the banana peel into small pieces and bury them in the soil near the plant so that they will release nutrients to the plant.
We can also dry the banana peel and give them to plants to get good results.
Used Flowers
we can also use used flowers same as used vegetables/ fruits type to apply fertilizer.
Ash from Agarbatti, dhoop
This is so different from wood waste, it also have good micro and macro nutrients, helps to increase the PH level of the soil. It should be used only moderately.
It is best when combined with Vegetable waste or fruits waste.
These fertilizers are best for Tulsi plant:
Epsom Salt
If you are planting tulsi plant, use a very good dosage of organic manure Epsom salt while planting, to get lush green leaves. You can even apply this while harvesting or pruning the tulsi plant.
By adding Epsom salt you can expect lush green leaves for coming harvest in the garden.
Cow Manure
Cow manure is one of the best-balanced fertilizers and it also has high humous content. There are million beneficial microorganisms in cow manure that enriches the microflora of the content. Nutrients in the soil are easily made available to plants because of these bacteria in it.
- Use Neem oil for prevention fo insects, white bugs in Tulsi plant.
- Use cowdung manure, epsom salt mix to get good results from tulsi plant.
How to make Tulsi plant bushy?
To grow tulsi plant bushy, there is one best working solution, pinching the top new leaves when the plant is about six inches tall to make more branches and more leaves and stronger plant, other helpful things are giving good soil, fertilizer, enough sunlight, sufficient watering to make the plant bushier and stronger.
Bannana peel fertilizer for tulsi plant?
Banana fertilizer can be used as liquid fertilizer by keeping banana fertilizer in a jar for weeks and pouring them into the tulsi plant. we can chop the banana peel into small pieces and bury them in the soil near the plant so that they will release nutrients to the plant. We can also dry the banana peel and give them to plants to get good results.
epsom salt for tulsi plant?
If you are planting tulsi plants, use a very good dosage of organic manure Epsom salt while planting, to get lush green leaves. You can even apply this while harvesting or pruning the tulsi plant. By adding Epsom salt you can expect lush green leaves for the coming harvest in the garden.
cowdung for tulsi plant?
Cow manure is one of the best-balanced fertilizers and it also has high humous content. There are million beneficial microorganisms in cow manure that enriches the microflora of the content. Nutrients in the soil are easily made available to plants because of these bacteria in it.
What fertilizer is good for Tulsi?
Epsom salt, Cow manure is very good fertilizer for Tulsi plant, Epsom salt gives enough nutrients to grow lush green leaves. Cowdung manure consists of many macro nutrients and it can be easily accessible to plant so combination of epsom salt and cow manure is good for tulsi plant.
How make Tulsi plant grow faster?
To grow tulsi plant faster, bushy, there is one best working solution, pinching the top new leaves when the plant is about six inches tall to make more branches and more leaves and stronger plant, other helpful things are giving good soil, fertilizer, enough sunlight, sufficient watering to make the plant bushier and stronger.
Is Epsom salt good for Tulsi plant?
If you are planting tulsi plants, use a very good dosage of organic manure Epsom salt while planting, to get lush green leaves. You can even apply this while harvesting or pruning the tulsi plant. By adding Epsom salt you can expect lush green leaves for the coming harvest in the garden. Cow manure is one of the best-balanced fertilizers and it also has high humous content. There are million beneficial microorganisms in cow manure that enriches the microflora of the content. Nutrients in the soil are easily made available to plants because of these bacteria in it.
Can we put milk in Tulsi plant?
We can put milk to warm water in the winter season to give enough nutrients to plants. This is one of the most common methods used for the tulsi plant in winter
Final Thoughts:
I hope answered your question which is the best fertilizer for tulsi plant. Happy planting.
I am going for follow your tips hope it works. Thanked