The curry leaf plant is known for its aroma and is one of the special ingredients for your food. It is commonly known as Murraya koenigii, which is native to India.

The Curry leaf plant turns yellow mainly because of two reasons, chlorosis plants have iron, manganese, zinc, or nitrogen deficiency. Another reason, during the winter season plant leaves may turn yellow. This tells us that the plant is about to go to winter dormacy and might lose its leaves.
The curry leaves plant acts as a medicinal plant for digestive secretions and relieves nausea, morning sickness, and vomiting. Most illness is caused by infections or because of oxidative damage in the body, alternatively, curry leaves are used as a medicinal plant.
Here are the causes for the curry leaves plant turning yellow in winter.
1. Nutrient Deficiency
The yellowing of curry leaves mainly indicates the lack of nutrients in the plant—mainly Iron and nitrogen. Insufficient nutrients in the soil can result in pale, yellowish foliage or leaves.
Always give fertilizer to ensure the plant receives enough nutrients for good growth.
1. Iron deficiency Fixation
- Acidify the soil. The ultimate cause of iron deficiency is high soil pH.
- Apply iron fertilizer to the soil.
- Apply iron directly to the plant foliage.
2. Nitrogen Fixation
- Adding composted manure to the soil.
- Planting a green manure crop, such as borage.
- Planting nitrogen-fixing plants like peas or beans.
- Adding coffee grounds to the soil.
To fix the nutrients we can replace the existing soil with good-quality soil. You can read these details in the “Poor quality soil” section.
2. Winter Dormacy
Curry leaves plants will go to a resting state in the winter season which is commonly known as winter Dormancy.
Curry leaf plant doesn’t get full sunlight due to winter; Due to low temperatures (more cooling), the major problem is for leaves.
Leaves may turn to yellow color (chlorosis). This is one of the signs that it is moving to the Winter Dormancy state.
Due to more cold, all leaves may fall from the plant and there may be no leaves left in the plant (the only stem is left in the plant), This is one of the common things regarding Curry leaf plant in the winter Season. To fix this here you go.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum LED light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in Amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from Amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like a timer and you can change light sensitivity.
Preparing Curry plant for Winter Dormacy
1. Cut down on watering until the winter season ends
You need to consider cutting down the watering to plant until the winter season ends.
This will help the plant to stay resting.
2. Move your plant Indoor
If you move your plant indoors or increase the temperature by any means you can save the curry leaves in the plant.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum led light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like timer and you can change light sensitivity.
If you cannot take the plant indoor for any reason. At least try to cover the pot (roots), with some black cover or something this increases temperature by 5 degrees, compared to outside.
3. Increase the temperature
Increase the temperatures of plants, slow down the winter Dormancy period, and save the curry plant’s leaves.
Place the curry leaves plant in sunlight during the day and at night you can take it indoors to protect from cold.
If you forget to take the plant inside, it will die no matter what you take care of after that. So be cautious not to forget.
If there are no leaves in the curry plant and only the stem is left, you need to take care of the plant. Otherwise, the plant may die.
You can increase the temperature of the plant by moving it inside and giving enough sunlight by keeping it near the window.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum led light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like timer and you can change light sensitivity.
If that is not possible, you need to cover the plant with a black cover to decrease the plant’s temperature by 5 degrees compared to the outside temperature.
If you are travelling or out home for some days, request a willing friend to take care of your plant.
4. Pour the warm water instead of cold water
This will help the keep up the temperature of curry leaves plant.
3. Overwatered
Over-watered curry leaves mostly suffering from root rot. Root rot will occur to more frequent watering.
Not leaving the water to drain from soil or there is no proper drainage hole in pot causes root rot. Which will make plant eventually die.
How to fix an over-watered curry leaf plant?
1. Prepare plant
Remove the plant from the pot and clean-cut the roots which are brown in color and rotted.
Leave the plant for some days to heal up the roots which you have trimmed.
2. Repot with proper soil
If you are repotting the plant in the same container, you need to sanitize the pot before you put the new soil.
If you are planning to put old soil, before that you need to boil the soil with hot water, this makes any bacteria that affects plants to die.
Pot the plant with a good potting mix, which can be well-drained. I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
3. Limit the water supply to plant until the roots heal
Once you plant, you should wait for at least 1 week to water; roots need to be healed and adjust to the pot’s new atmosphere.
4. Give enough sunlight and maintain temperature
Move your new pot to inside and give good amount of sunlight, and don’t let the plant sit in cold temperature.
The better option is to move the plant indoors and place it near the south-facing window. This will give a warm temperature and enough sunlight to plant.
If you cannot give enough sunlight to plant inside, these full spectrum led light lamps are available for rescue. Click here for the link in amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one]. These lamps can be used for other plants, and have many functionalities like timer and you can change light sensitivity.
4. Poor Soil Quality
Curry leaves plants thrive in rich, well-draining soil, poor quality soil with poor nutrient content, and improper PH levels lead to yellowing leaves. conduct a soil test to determine deficiencies in the soil.
1. Repotting with proper soil to fix the nutrient deficiency problem and to improve soil quality
If you are repotting the plant in the same container, you need to sanitize the pot before you put the new soil.
I always use miracle grow potting mix for growing my plants. Here is the link you can buy from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest but we suggest the good one].
If you are planning to put old soil, before that you need to boil the soil with hot water, this makes any bacteria that affect plants die.
Pot the plant with a good potting mix, which can be well-drained.
Things to consider while you repotting the curry leaf plant.
You also should consider the next pot size while you are repotting and make sure it has a drainage hole at the bottom.
If you are pruning roots use sanitized tools, otherwise, your plants may be affected by previous plants that suffered with some disease.
2. Pro Tip on Fertilizer for good nutrients on soil
- Feed Curry leaf plant with a tablespoon of Epsom salt (Here is the link to buy epsom salt from amazon [For valid purchases we may earn commission from amazon, Our recommendation is not the costliest gadget but we suggest the good one].) (which contains magnesium)/ baked salt into yogurt or 1 gallon of water twice a month (every 15 days) to improve the plant growth. If you overdose you will burn the plant. (My grandmother taught this.)
- Feed buttermilk to plant during warmer months to improve growth ( when there is no mold).
- cut the seed-bearing part to get new shoots and leaves grow healthily.
5. Pests and Diseases
Infestation from pests such as spider mites, aphids, or scale insects can sap the vitality of curry leaves, which leads to yellowing of leaves.
Regularly we need to check for infection, identify the problem, and address the disease which is caused by pests.
How to fix it?
Use insecticidal soap, and neem oil which helps to combat infestations. Prune the affected leaves and help the plant to maintain clean and hygiene to reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
6. Environmental Stress
Environmental stress as more heat, or cold, sudden temperature changes, or exposure to drafts can stress out the curry leaf plant which leads to the yellowing of leaves.
Provide a stable, suitable environment to overcome the yellowing of leaves problem.
How to fix it?
Protect the curry leaf plant from weather changes, sudden cold, or more heat by providing shade. This helps to prevent from stress-based yellowing of curry leaf plants.
7. Diagnosis
If the leaves are turning yellow almost jaundice-looking and the center stalk is turning brown and getting soft, chances are you might be overwatering your plant. Lastly, remove yellow leaves, as they will not turn green again — and don’t worry, it’s all for the best.
you should remove the full yellowed leaves of the plant to make it look nice and a good way to plant to look it nice. (make sure you let the leaves turn yellow before pulling off).
Final Thoughts
However I have recovered my plant from losing its yellow leaves, New shoots came out from the bottom of the plant (near the bottom stem you can observe in pic).
Let me know in the comments if you succeeded in saving your plant.
Hi. One of my aunt gave me a 10 year old curry leaves plant. During winter it’s indoor but it was over watered. Later during the spring I shifted it outside . I asked for help someone said to prune it. I did but the plant didn’t get any leaves. But 3 babies came from the roots. Is there anyway I can make my mom alive. Please help.
If the stem is fully brown (no more green left ) then you cannot save it.
If it has green the. Change the soil, keep well drainable soil and make big drainage holes in the pot.
The main thing is to cut down on watering, overwatering really hurts plants than under-watering.
Water, only when the top 1-2 inches is soil, is dry.
Thank you article author! This is a good article that has provided useful information
Best view i have ever seen !